Thanks Dave,

Just to show you how it works:

[AUTOWHITE.1]   external        >1      "M:\autowhite\autowhite.exe /<LICENSE 
CODE> /R5 /L1 %MAILFROM% %REALRECIPS%" -50        0
[AUTOWHITE.2]   external        >2      "M:\autoWhite\autowhite.exe /<LICENSE 
CODE> /R5 /L1 %MAILFROM% %REALRECIPS%" -100       0

In here if someone is sent an email to a person then the program tracks how 
many times that email has been emailed to.  Next time when the person emails us 
the program looks at the sender's counter and we add -50 for 1 hit and -100 for 
2 hits and more.  Effectively if I email someone twice they are whitelisted.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Barker []
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 9:48 AM
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Idea for new Declude add-on

The author is John Tolmachoff of

-----Original Message-----
From: Kamran Razvan []
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 9:41 AM
Subject: FW: [Declude.JunkMail] Idea for new Declude add-on


This program is the exact behavior that autowhite had and one that we are using 
now.  Unfortunately I don't remember who had written it.  Anyone remembers?

The program works beautifully.  Every time I sent an email the person's email 
address is added a negative weight.  We use it in a combo filter and whitelist 
the person in all future emails.

I know the author decided not to work on it anymore but we have been using it 
for years.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Barker []
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 8:49 AM
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Idea for new Declude add-on

Great idea Dave thanks. Question. If a user emails a recipient in what scenario 
would we not want to whitelist the recipients address ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Beckstrom []
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 8:45 AM
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] Idea for new Declude add-on

I have an idea for something I think would be a useful add-on for declude. 

Every time someone sends an outbound SMTP email to someone, the add-on would
add an entry to a filter giving the recipient's "to" address a weight of
minus one.  Therefore, giving the recipient a credit.  Any time the
recipient sends an email to my server, minus one gets subtracted from the
total score of their email.

If a user on my server sends a second email to the same recipient, another
minus one credit is added to the filter.  Now that recipient has a credit of
minus two.

The add-on would be configurable to limit the maximum credit a single
address could reach.  It would also have an exclusion ability where you
could enter a list of email addresses that would never receive any credit.

The idea being that the more frequently you email someone, the less likely
that email from them would be spam.

I know some will argue that "from" addresses can be forged and that perhaps
its not a good idea to give credit based on a "from" address.  But its not
very often at all I ever receive a spam that came from a friend's forged
"from" address.  I think something along the lines of this type of system
could be useful.

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