We dumped Imail after being with them since version 4 I think.
Moved to Smartermail and never looked back.

Our customers really like SM and we have nothing but positive feedback.

the transition was easy with the migration tools from SM.

I would do it again with no hesitation.

On 6/1/2011 9:09 PM, Imail Admin wrote:
> I've been musing over whether it's time to upgrade or replace my mail
> system.  I've got IMail (unlimited users) v 2006.23 on an old server
> runing Win2k Advanced Server with Declude v.?? (not current, whatever
> it is).  On the one hand, I only have a small number of domains and
> mail boxes any more and on the other hand, my old server is looking
> pretty long in the tooth.
> I started out looking at boxes to build a new server, but they're not
> that expensive any more.  Then I got caughter up in the software.
> Ipswitch wants $2300 or some such for a software upgrade (unlimited
> users).  That's way more than I can justify spending.  I don't really
> need unlimited users any more, but I hate to give it up.  On the other
> hand, I recall a few years ago when people were switching en masse to
> SmaterMail so I looked at them and their prices are a lot nice.
> Anyone care to say how the current versions of either software
> compared with my old IMail?
> I assume that I'll have to upgrade to the current version of Declude,
> but otherwise that will work the same as before?
> Any suggestions or pointers would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Ben
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