Hi Andy,

What tool are you using to specify x days old when deleting? Or are you 
allready using Powershell?

Met vriendelijke groet,
Bonno Bloksma
senior systeembeheerder


hogeschool hospitality en toerisme 
begijnenhof 8-12 / 5611 el eindhoven
t 040 296 28 28 / f 040 237 35 20

b.blok...@tio.nl  / www.tio.nl 

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Andy Schmidt 
  To: declude.virus@declude.com 
  Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 3:15 PM
  Subject: RE: [Declude.Virus] Commtouch/Temp files going back to last year?

  Thanks, I'll make it part of my monthly job that deletes files older than 30 
days - that's "tight" enough for me.


  Of course, Declude or Commtouch should be cleaning up after itself (e.g., 
whenever new files/signatures are downloaded) - but that's a different story.


  From: supp...@declude.com [mailto:supp...@declude.com] On Behalf Of Bonno 
  Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 2:27 AM
  To: declude.virus@declude.com
  Subject: Re: [Declude.Virus] Commtouch/Temp files going back to last year?


  Hi David,


  A while ago I was told these can be deleted almost immediatly but.... the 
running DecludeProc service has them locked so it will be needed to stop 
DecludeProc, remove the temp files and then start Declude proc.


  As part of my nightly routine I have now:


  Set LogFile=C:\Beheer\Logs\CleanTemp.log
  echo %Date% %Time% Starting CleanTemp >> %LogFile%
  Del /Q C:\IMail\declude\invuribl\Exception\*.*
  Del /Q C:\IMail\WebDir\WebClient\temp\*.*
  del /Q C:\IMail\Spool\tmp*.tmp
  net stop Decludeproc
  Del /Q C:\IMail\declude\scanners\CommTouch\Temp\*.*
  Del /Q C:\IMail\spool\proc\work\*.smd.tmp
  net start Decludeproc
  echo %Date% %Time% End CleanTemp >> %LogFile%


  Met vriendelijke groet,
  Bonno Bloksma
  senior systeembeheerder


  hogeschool hospitality en toerisme 
  begijnenhof 8-12 / 5611 el eindhoven
  t 040 296 28 28 / f 040 237 35 20

  b.blok...@tio.nl  / www.tio.nl 

  ----- Original Message ----- 

    From: David Barker 

    To: declude.virus@declude.com 

    Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 4:44 PM

    Subject: RE: [Declude.Virus] Commtouch/Temp files going back to last year?


    These are cached CT files. I will find out when the can be deleted and get 
back to you.



    David Barker
    VP Operations Declude
    Your Email security is our business
    978.499.2933 office
    978.988.1311 fax




    From: supp...@declude.com [mailto:supp...@declude.com] On Behalf Of Andy 
    Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 11:35 AM
    To: Declude.virus@declude.com
    Subject: [Declude.Virus] Commtouch/Temp files going back to last year?




    That folder has over 1,000 files, some several MB large, CTM*.tmp, 
CTENG*.tmp and CTENG*.dat.


    How "old" do these files have to be, before I can safely delete them?


    Best Regards,


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