Generally, ClamD catches most viruses that AVG misses (during those times
when it actually runs), and McAfee catches the occasional virus that ClamD
misses. ClamD downloads updates automatically (using the FreshClam).


I found the build very useful. I don't recall
any installation difficulty. It did have a successful installer and is able
to install itself as a service. 

There is a .REG file that sets up a registry entry where the path is stored.


In their registry, I use the following:






For FreshClam.conf, I changed these parameters:


DatabaseDirectory "C:\Program Files\clamAV\db"

UpdateLogFile "C:\Program Files\clamAV\log\freshclam.log"

LogTime yes


For ClamD.conf, I changed these:


LogFile "C:\Program Files\clamAV\log\clamd.log"

LogTime yes

TemporaryDirectory C:\Temp

DatabaseDirectory "C:\Program Files\clamAV\db"


For the service, I removed the spaces from the path (not sure if this was



"C:\Progra~1\ClamAV\clamd.exe" --daemon


In Declude, you'd use:



SCANFILE1       C:\Progra~1\ClamAV\ClamDScan.exe



Of course, that still leaves the problem of the virus report file. I had
contacted Declude and they said they would check if they can natively parse
the report file. For now I still use a simple script to reformat the Report
file to suit Declude.


ClamAV now has an official Windows build AND compiles under Visual Studio.
So, ideally, Declude would just integrate ClamAV as an internal scanner
instead of having to deal with all this command-line jazz.


Best Regards,





From: [] On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 1:30 PM
Subject: RE: [Declude.Virus] Internal Scanner - Nonfunctional?


What's the best way to look into using Clam as a second scanner?


I found this at ARM, does anyone else use this install aid?


What's your general opinion of Clam when compared to McAffee, or another
favorite scanner?


How do you update your Clam database files?


Thanks for the discussion and feedback!


-- Michael Cummins


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