> However, if I didn't manually start the first CGI application from the
> Administrator login (ie. I let IIS start it as requested), then that's
> when I get this error.
> Does any body have any other ideas why this is happening?

unless I am mistaken (always a possibility) IIS doesn't run CGI
apps as "system"

they run as the "IIS anonymous user" which is usually set up 
initially as something like IUSR_FOO where FOO is the name of
the machine hosting IIS.   The name of this user is in the
IIS configuration.

this user needs to have access to the CGI directory - also
to registry keys like

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parameters\Script Map

(on NT4 - not sure about Win2k)

plus who knows whatever else depending on what your script does.

Since you're getting an error from the BDE it sounds like
your IUSR_FOO user has correct permissions to get the script
off the ground, but has some DB access problem or problem
with access to the BDE directories or private directories.


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