> I manually set the
> password for the IUSER_xxx user and then modified the web server
> Anonymous account with the new password.
> I then logged in as IUSR_xxx (now knowing the password) and tried
> running the CGI applications manually - they worked fine.  Then, just
> out of curiosity, I stopped the applications and got IIS to start them
> itself by using the web interface - it worked!  I was amazed!
> So, I tried a few more tests and they all worked, with IIS starting the
> CGI applications.

glad to hear you won't need to sacrifice your weekend <g>

> I don't really know what was done differently, apart from changing the
> password on the anonymous user account, but it's all working now.

I have a guess about what was going on - I'll mention it because it
is related to something about NT I've never understood.

Probably IUSR_xxx on the webserver and IUSR_xxx on the db host were
two distinct local users (as opposed to "the same" domain user).

So it was possible for them to have different passwords.   I suspect
that they DID have different passwords.    So IIS could impersonate
IUSR_xxx locally just fine, but couldn't authenticate to the remote
host because the password wasn't the same.    Changing the password
in both places fixed that problem which explains why the CGI apps 
run ok after that.

The weird part is how the "priming" logon as administrator fixed
it originally.    I think it may be because NT (and presumably Win2K
aka NT5) only allows one set of credentials to be used to "connect"
to a remote host.    So once you are connected, you are stuck with
those credentials - you can't open up a 2nd connection with different
credentials.   So once the connection to the DB host was established
as administrator that connection ended up getting used subsequently.

This is an annoying behaviour in NT - for example if you normally
long on as a "regular" user and have drive mappings, you can't
temporarily map a drive to an admin share on a machine hosting 
one of your mapped drives using a different user/pass than the 
one you used for your other mappings.   You weren't using drive 
mappings - but I suspect other shared resources (like named pipes) 
are subject to these same strange rules.

If I'm wrong about this and there IS a way to do that I'd love
to hear how.


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