> Windows is here to stay and I don't think Borland can ever move
> away from it. But I think that people at Borland, responsible for
> pricing, seem to ignore this and are trying to move away from
> windows, by pricing Delphi so high. What are these people upto?
> At this rate I only see Delphi becoming less popular and eventually
> die. To make anything popular one has to sell more and Borland
> are not even worried to lose their current customers, forget about
> getting more customers.

Way, way back, many moons ago, there are a product launch of the
second version of an application.  It was $1k+ (when that was still
a lot for a PC application) and that price was based on expected
sales.  Sales boomed and the price dropped to $350 (IIRC) and
sales boomed again.  Most who paid $1k+ understood what
happened and accepted that the price drop was because they
paid more.

The product - Paradox.  The company - Borland.  I thought that
they realised that they can drop the price and make more money.


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