On 21/05/2017 21:18, Bob M wrote:
I keep feeling that there is something I am not understanding about updating
two different tables in the same dbase

Some reasons an update might fail, off the top of my head:
1) constraint violation in the data inserted into the table (e.g. primary key or check constraint error) 2) constraint violation in a dependent table (e.g. foreign key constraint error)
3) timeout due to the table being locked by another query
4) rollback of the transaction enclosing the update due to an error later in the transaction 5) error in a trigger fired by the update, which rolls back the update (another version of case 4, but an easy one to overlook)

Unfortunately, although you've posted a lot of information, it's been either inaccurate or missing vital details, so it's hard to know what to advise.
John English

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