Hello everybody!
Some days ago, Christoph suggested me [1] to give a try to an already
knew issue, related to icons used to show saving information on the
status bar. The current icon shows an exclamation mark on a document
when the document have not saved changes, and some people think may be
better ways to represent this status.
Looking up the past discussions about this issue to understand what was
done, I found some interesting links [2] [3].
So, based on what was discussed, I tried to create new icons to this
behavior, based on the initial mimetype icons style. I keep two version,
since the current icon is 14px tall, but a source [4] says the status
bar icons must be 11px tall. I used some different (*) character to
follow the suggestion of some people.
Versions on 16x14px:
Versions on 14x11px:
I hope it can be useful in some way. :)
Best regards,
[1] "Small Icon Artwork Project (was: Re: [libreoffice-design]
Kicking Off the LibreOffice Design Team)"
[2] "[Visual Design] Request for Icon Artwork (was: Re: [Libreoffice]
[UX] LO status bar annoyances)"
[3] "HackWeek – Minor polish"
[4] "New feature icons: Zoom & Scaling Slider"
Paulo José O. Amaro
Computer Science Student
Federal University of São João del-Rei
WebDesigner / Linked Empresa Júnior
Blogger / casatwain.com
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