
the word cloud thing is a bit tricky...
if it is well readable, it doesn't look very good, and if it looks good
you can't really read it^^

i tried to have a a bit of both in the new version.

the space between the words is bigger now, and different for every word.
this improves the "word cloud impression" a bit, but it is still
i hope the space between "donate now" and the document symbol is big
enough now;)

Am Sonntag, den 27.02.2011, 00:38 +0100 schrieb Bernhard Dippold:
> Tobias Bernard schrieb:
> > ok, i've reworked the banner, trying to consider all your suggestions,
> > but i didn't understand what's wrong with the spacing (point one in the
> > guidelines)
> The distance of the logo (in your case the symbol at the bottom of the 
> banner) to every graphical element outside the logo shouldn't be less 
> than half the width of the symbol.
> As the symbol reached nearly the borders of the banner, elements put 
> beside the banner could have compromised the symbol - reducing the 
> visual impression we want to achieve with our logo and it's elements.
> But in your new version (I add the link again: 
> http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/File:Libo-challengecontinues-banner-by-tobias.png)
> this is much better! Only the vertical distance especially to the 
> "Donate now!" badge is a bit small.
> >
> > if you have futher suggestions, just tell me ;)
> >
> The word cloud is much easier to read :-)
> Unfortunately this reduces the impression of a word cloud a bit. Did you 
> try to have a bit more space between the single words?
> I don't know, if this works and stays readable - perhaps with more 
> different font sizes, using green and large font for one word only, some 
> smaller and green, some larger and grey?
> Just an idea - might be totally wrong...
> Best regards
> Bernhard
> >>>
> >>> ps: why does the the svg file have such an ugly preview?
> The preview is better than none as we had it on the OOo wiki ;-)
> But honestly I don't know. Some SVG images are rendered well, Some other 
> have problems with text and underlying graphics, some don't show the SVG 
> at all. Turning the text into path helps sometimes, but this is no 
> option for text we probably want to modify / translate  later on.

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