Hi Nik, all!

On 12-03-2011 12:14, Nik wrote:
Hi Paulo,

[...] That's great to hear, I'd really love to see a proposal from you if you get the time? =)
I know you're pressed for time, so don't feel obligated though.
Research is a monster that never sleeps, right? =)
Yeah, now you've described EXACTLY our research: a monster... Our work just started like an small work and now we have 100 pages full of hard work (most study case, than research as well)... :-) And we should be terminate last month, so... You defined it very well. :-P And is yours that way?

Generally, motifs don't have to be intuitive or associative graphical links to the topic like, say, icons or a logo. Sometimes they are, but in many cases, they are meant to be more abstract, so that the meaning isn't necessarily embedded without some "digging".
Well, I did't though about if from this point of view. Actually you're right and I think I was very restricted by the motif example of OpenOffice, which is widely recognized and still topic related. But it's hard to say why it is so; what's came first: the motif popularity because it's topic related, or it's topic related because the motif popularity. :-/

For example, the Bahamas motif (the shapes);
http://assets.creativity-online.com/images/work/large/b/a/h/bahamas-print060130.jpg doesn't make you instantly think of Bahamas islands right? (the logo might, but not the motif) ... But due to consistent-use, prolonged-exposure and clever-campaigning, they have become associated with the islands.
So abstract is not a problem =)
It's true. I think the Bahamas motif make me review my opinion definitively. You said me to don't worry about obligating myselft to making a motif proposal by time constraints, but the true is I'm worried about my understand and capabilities on motif's creation. I don't feel experience enough on this field to help with actual working proposals. So I think I'll go on just commenting and giving suggestions. I hope it's alright.

That would be GREAT!
I've posted a note suggesting a short extension to allow for more proposals, like yours, to be added! =) I'm hoping *Jaron* picks up on this hint too =) and our benevolent leader *Bernhard* hasn't had a chance to weigh-in on the issue and I'd really like his input (visual and verbal) too.
So let me know what you think about the deadline-discussion.
Well, I'm not purposing a motif, but I like the idea of a "monocolorsable" motif, like Bernhard or Christoph's proposal. It would be great to see your proposals in a monocolor theme. I actually tried to play with your Scatter motif with some white borders (creating an outline over the superposed triangles) , but I can't achieve good results.


Paulo José O. Amaro
Computer Science Student
Federal University of São João del-Rei
WebDesigner / Linked Empresa Júnior
Blogger / casatwain.com

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