Hy  you wan't feedback on Citrus :


This is a good start guys ;)


2011/11/21 alexander.wilms <alexander.wi...@zoho.com>

> Hi,
> since I just received Kévins mail, I now took the time to browse Mireks
> proposals more deeply and I have to agree, that's just what I'd like to see
> :).
> There are many great things in those drafts, but I especially like are the
> color codes and the command reorganization. In addition to the new handling
> of headers this would make LOs UI much more comfortable to use.
> Another aspect I'd like to see integrated are those style groups, but in
> my opinion a little previw like in Word would be nice, maybe as a popout or
> that the styles get applied when hovering over each of them. In my opinion,
> there should be two selections though, one for the group style used (e.g.
> "My favorite selfmade style") and one for the formatting that gets applied
> (e.g. Heading 1, Table etc.). I'm not sure but maybe you've already
> adresses this aspect.
> I generally like the idea of focusing on actual writing and letting the
> formatting be automated or taken care of, thats why I like the ability to
> export them and the new template manager, which could maybe even being
> integrated with the online repository, just like the fonts.
> Still, there are some issues like flickering icons when hovering over them
> or flshing black background colors when editing a text in Impress. Those
> aren't immediately related to this proposal, but I hope this could be
> eliminated, too. Or have these issues already been adressed in the current
> development branch?
> I am personally looking forward to the command reorg, hopefully we can
> start working this out very soon :)
> Cheers
> Alex
> ---- On Mon, 21 Nov 2011 20:07:06 +0100 Kévin PEIGNOT &
> lt;peignot.ke...@kpeignot.fr&gt; wrote ----
> 2011/10/30 Astron &lt;heinzless...@googlemail.com&gt;
> &gt; Hi everyone,
> &gt;
> &gt; a few days ago, Andrew asked for feedback on Mirek's Citrus proposal.
> &gt; So, here, I want to start a thread on what I/we like and what I/we
> &gt; don't like (about the desktop/laptop proposal), in the hope that it
> &gt; helps Mirek to refine his proposal. Please note, I am not a regular
> &gt; reader of Mirek's blog and my assumptions are based on the short
> &gt; descriptions from the wiki, so if anything on this list seems wrong to
> &gt; you, feel free to correct me.
> &gt; Here we go, structure is as on Mirek2's wiki page:
> &gt;
> To gain time, I choosed to use the same structure.
> &gt;
> &gt; * Ellipsis menu:
> &gt; I like the idea and it looks much better (cleaner) than it does
> &gt; currently; for executing commands it is also more functional.
> &gt; Here's what I don't like: that you can customise your toolbar via
> &gt; drag-and-drop is not made visible at all; for users of accessibility
> &gt; solutions there seems to be no way to add or remove something.
> &gt;
> I must say I agree with this. It's a great idea. Here a proposal of
> solution : At the end of the toolbar, after the menu button, menu,
> integrate an ellement with a "?" button. When a user click on it, a pop-up
> appear with the tip, saying that drag'n-dropping is the way to proceed
> * Page/slide handles:
> &gt; I like the idea (so much I opened a bug about it – fdo#38597). There's
> &gt; a lot to discuss, though, before this can be implemented (how it
> &gt; zooms, how it acts, etc.). Also, the proposal doesn't work at all for
> &gt; Calc (which Mirek explained, he uses so seldomly that he didn't
> &gt; include it in his proposals).
> &gt;
>  Honestly I don't really see what is the point there. Do you have a
> detailled article/page somewhere, I didn't find (I suppose I didn't
> searched in the right place)
> &gt;
> &gt; * Continuously scrollable slides:
> &gt; Not a bad idea for the read-only mode. When editing a document,
> &gt; however, there will sometimes be the case that an image or other
> &gt; element would overlap into the next slide. What should LibO do then?
> &gt; Push the slide further below? Cut the element off in between the two
> &gt; slides? I'm sceptical.
> &gt;
> I agree, I usually have some parts of my slides that are "out of the
> slide", sometimes below, because it can be a movable picture that come half
> from the bottom .... SO personally, I think it's a bad idea.
> &gt; * Add page/slide:
> &gt; I can see this being very useful in Impress and Draw, but in those
> &gt; programs, I would probably put this button into the sidebar.
> &gt; For Writer, it would be similarly useful, but we'd also need more
> &gt; complexity: it'd need at least a "Add page" and an "Add Section"
> &gt; button (unless there is any way in which we can make those two
> &gt; commands the same).
> &gt;
> &gt; It's just great as it is in the mock-up. It's simple, and exactly
> were you
> need it. But I think that even if this is a great point, It should stay in
> the left insert toolbar too. (some people will search it there I think)
> *Float bar:
> &gt;
> I'm absolutely in ! Then in the case the element you select take all the
> screen, maybe putting the in the top of the element : On the right by
> default, with a button that switch it to the left if you want it there (or
> maybe by "drag and dropping" the float bar from right to left ?). I don't
> have time to make a mockup, but if you want one just ask I will try during
> the week-end
> &gt; * Insert bar:
> &gt; This is an idea from Ooo 1.0, I think. I'd love to know why it was
> &gt; abandoned, then, because it probably is a good idea..?
> &gt;
> Personally I always use it, and in the left of the screen, just as in your
> proposal. Too useful ! So I don't see why it has been abandonnated. Maybe
> it wasn't used enough according the "clic-map".
> &gt; * Live preview:
> &gt;
> If it means updating the whole document I think it's a bad idea (I suppose
> it would need too much resource). But if it's in a "preview box", then, I'm
> in. One think that I don't like today is that in the format toolbar, the
> fonts are described by there name, no preview. This is the little start of
> a "live preview".
> &gt; * Color-coded icons:
> &gt;
> Good idea, I think your color scheme proposal is great. Then, I think we
> should brainstorm about it : for me, Red means *"Hy, I need attention" *,
> so maybe this color shouldn't be used ?
> More of that, I'm not sure that this is so useful : The icons concerning
> text shoud appear only when text is selected, same with images, videos...
> what do you think ?
> PS : Re thinking the thing : I was wrong : you can select zones with both
> pictures and audio
> &gt; * Reduced standard toolbar:
> &gt;
> I almost agree, except that I don't understand where you would put
> print/export in this case ? I personnaly use these two options every time
> (I export to PDF every 30 minutes because of problems I had with odt files
> in the past)
> &gt; * Drop-down buttons:
> &gt;
> No special thought. To be honest I don't know if it's a good or bad idea.
> &gt; * Sorting out commands:
> &gt; Good principles, basically, but probably too rough to be usable in
> &gt; their current form. Point two (no greyed-out buttons) is contradictory
> &gt; to the reasoning found under Reduced standard toolbar (click-able
> &gt; buttons as indicators).
> &gt; Also, this is part of the proposal is throwing (useful) conventions
> &gt; out of the window: should we really move Cut, Copy and Paste into
> &gt; completely different menus?
> &gt;
> I think the current menus, even if not perfect are great. The Edit menu is
> especially useful I think. Then, if everything in this menu can be found in
> the floatbar or other places (like text menu when text is selected for
> copy/cut or insert menu to paste), then, perfect !
> * Getting rid of formatting dialogs :
> &gt;
> Granted, I am biased here [1], but I don't like interacting with menus
> &gt; in this way at all, even though that's something Microsoft Office
> &gt; makes heavy use of.
> &gt; It is also a huge, huge, huge amount of work for an unclear (to me)
> &gt; benefit. Two disadvantages of relying so much on rich menus:
> &gt; → opening menus to change anything all the time should be pretty
> annoying
> &gt; → customising styles is made very hard (we should want people to use
> &gt; styles, so they can create more coherent looking documents more
> &gt; easily!)
> &gt;
> Personally, just for me, I think it could be a great idea, because
> formatting dialogues would still be available to edit a style. Then, a lot
> of people don't use styles AT ALL, and they act directly on the text. To do
> this, a formatting dialogue seems me easier : you have everything in the
> same window, else you must go to the menu for every change (BOLD, Italic,
> color, underline....). Except if the major parts (underline, font/color,
> bold, italic....) are in the floatbar or elsewhere easily click-able
> &gt; * Combining navigator and side pane.
> &gt; I never actually use the Navigator, (I'm probably wrong, I will try to
> &gt; force me to use it to see.
> &gt;
> &gt; * Simplified Options:
> &gt;
> I would say yes, only if the advanced pane is still available : Look at
> Ubuntu Unity or Gnome Shell (or the whole Gnome 3) : A lot of complaints
> is from people who miss options. So don't say we do the simple options
> dialogue then the advanced one. I think it's better making the simplest
> one, then once finished redesigning (or not) the advanced one which could
> stay the actual one.
> &gt; * Rich menus:
> &gt;
> I'm totally in. Then, about Ubuntu (I don't know for Mac OSX), look at the
> sound menu : it's an indicator, but it's a menu too and it contains non
> traditional menus items. So it must be possible to include them in the
> global menu. I'm sure (really sure) that if we can explain Canonical the
> Why and the How (maybe based on a survey), they will help us integrate this
> (I'm not sure, but it seems me there is a Canonical employee who is
> "dedicated" to LibreOffice integration. More of that, going to an UDS to
> discuss it would help a lot.
> Conclusion :
> I really really really Love your proposal, it's the exact direction I would
> like to see LibO go : A cleanest UI, using less vertical spacing (just for
> this point I hate the Office ribbons (they look just ridiculous on a
> netbook or other little screen), with just what we need the most under our
> eyes, every thing else in menus, the whole thing being easily configurable
> (drag and drop, advanced option dialog) to adapt to every one needs, but
> with good defaults. Just what I was thinking !
> I'm sorry to be so late to answer, and not to take the time to study better
> your proposal (believe me, I would love to have this time), so maybe I
> mis-understood some parts. DOn't hesitate to say it to me. I will do my
> best to answer any other questions you could have (it should take less time
> than 5 weeks, I promise :D ). I'm also sorry for my English which is, I
> know, not really perfect (yet ?), I'm working on this. If you don't
> understand what I say, just ask, I will try to explain my idea (maybe I
> just mis-understood your proposal too, so my answer would be stupid and out
> of place, I hope this won't happen too much).
> Anyway, Thank you Mirek for this great proposal, which is a really great
> start point. I hope we will be able to take it far !
> Kévin
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