On 14/01/16 10:20, Michel RENON wrote:

> Now that problem is starting to be fixed, I agree with Italo that it's
> incomplete : there is a problem of discoverability of the new 'Mode'
> button, it's lost in the toolbar.
> So I just made a proposal based on current master version :
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Michelr/Impress51_group_buttons

> It also takes care of moving buttons about slides (add, modify...) into
> the side panel.

I like the solution (which has some rationale behind it).

Personally, I would move the "master" area behind a menu under the
"mode" area (as it is in Apple Keynote:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/116590/keynote.png) to force basic
users to make an additional step (to avoid the risk that they edit the
master instead of the slide, destroying the entire presentation: basic
users do things that humans can hardly believe, but they keep on doing
them even after they have been trained).

PowerPoint has master editing in a separate menu, as Impress until
version 5.1 (IMHO, a better solution, to keep basic users away from
slide masters, and avoid potential disasters).

Italo Vignoli - Marketing & PR
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