On 11/03/2015 12:00 PM, Bryan Richter wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 03, 2015 at 10:08:07AM +0100, mray wrote:
>> On 02.11.2015 03:32, Aaron Wolf wrote:
>>> [Do] you have a real problem with the word "patron"? We went
>>> around discussing this a long while back and felt that term was
>>> the clearest, despite no term being perfect.
>> No, I don' hold a specific grudge about that word. I do have my
>> issues with finding a name for what we need to describe. I also
>> think we lack catchy terminology in general. Like "flattr a thing"
>> can easily be used in any context. Would be gread if we had a
>> "snowdrift a project" equivalent that made sense and was catchy.
>> Similarly Donor, Patron and Supporter all fall short of what we
>> need. First: we need something that can be used consistently in any
>> context. Second: all those terms suggest roles that totally miss our
>> network effect angle, and in general any tie to our system
>> specifically.
> To summarize, patron is the best we have, but something else might be
> better. Patron can certainly be used in any context; whatever else a
> "snowdrifter" is, they will always be a patron, too. But it might be
> an added bonus to make up a word to fit the description, "a patron who
> matches the contributions of all other patrons, and who is matched by
> them".
> (A web and spiders comes to mind, though I doubt that's what we want.)
> I think we should either stick with patron and use it consistently, or
> hash out a better word now.

I think that if anyone comes up with a great suggestion soon, we'll
certainly consider it. But we went through this sort of process before
already and decided that "patron" was the best term. Incidentally, that
was before Patreon existed, but still… we weighed lots of options.
"Patron" is the most appropriate.

To be specific this decision was already made and it is this:

"Supporter" is the broad term for anyone helping in any way,
"Contributor" is the term for volunteering *time*, and "Patron" is the
term for donating money in the network pledge system.

Note that we have this page already:

We should all accept and use words as specified there unless there's a
stated objection. We can then discuss any particular concerns, and we
can update that page accordingly. We can also use the discussion for
that page to hold focused points about any issues.


Aaron Wolf Snowdrift.coop <https://snowdrift.coop>
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