On 11/04/2015 05:20 PM, Stephen Michel wrote:
> How do we feel about "co-patron"?
> In the latest project page mockup, 'co-donor' works very well, in my
> opinion.
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mray/Snowdrift-Design/master/mray%20website%20mockups%20/export37/project.png
> I think it gets across pretty much everything we want. The only downside
> I see is its 3-syllable length. 
> For better or for worse, there's also some wordplay around the start of
> the word sounding like "copay."

I get the idea behind "co-donor" and "co-patron" but I don't like them
as fixed terms for one person's status. I could see each patron being
called a "patron" but references to the groups of patrons could be
"co-patrons", as in, "you are now a patron of Inkscape, one of 1,231
co-patrons". That's my initial inclination anyway.

Also, while I'm not immediately comfortable with "co-", I definitely
like "co-patron" more than "co-donor", as "patron" has good reasons we
picked it as the best term: "patron" implies general ongoing support,
providing a living for those working on something; whereas "donor" has a
one-time feel associated strongly with the money transaction rather than
the honorable position of patron in the overall community. Even in a
regular for-profit business, calling people "patrons" sounds like they
have a particular place in a relationship, and it's much more
respectable and human than "buyers". Finally, "co-donor" has an
uncomfortable string of o's that I happen to not like and slurs into
sounding like "code owners" when spoken.

Aaron Wolf Snowdrift.coop <https://snowdrift.coop>
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