On 06/20/2016 05:46 PM, mray wrote:
> On 09.06.2016 22:21, Michael Siepmann wrote:
>> I've put some revised mockups at
>> http://techdesignpsych.com/Temporary/snowdrift/ based on recent thoughts
>> and conversations.  Two new things they include are (a) a
>> red/yellow/green max status indicator on every page, and (b) the project
>> pages list three ways it makes a difference to the project whether
>> you're a patron or not.
>> Looking forward to further discussion.
>> Best,
>> Michael
> (a) red/yellow/green indicator
> A "healthy buffer" is hard to define as a meaningful measure. We should
> be happy with every amount as long as no problems occur. When they occur
> they shouldn't appear frequently.
> The indicator seems to make much more sense for actual problems needing
> indication; e.g. when the "limit" is lower than "pledges" + "buffer".
> (b) listing three ways a pledge makes a difference
> I agree we need to actively approach patrons and non-patrons about the
> ways snowdrift works. I also think we should try to rely on visuals not
> *only* on plain text in order to avoid having too much text.

Thanks, mray, for this and all your other recent thoughts.  I hope to be
able to spend some time thinking about all of this soon.

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