On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 11:06:31AM +0200, Robert Martinez (mray)
> On 29.08.2016 22:35, Aaron Wolf wrote:
> > 
> > I think two pages for "payment history" and "pledge history"
> > should be considered. They each solve separate questions: (A)
> > "where did my money go?" and (B) "How does this crowdmatch thing
> > work in terms of my place in it and the projects I support?" (i.e.
> > understand the system via reviewing your history as a patron).
> > Both do seem relevant to MVP. Combining them may make it harder
> > than designing to separately answer each question…
> > 
> I don't think (B) would be relevant for MVP. We currently have at
> least *some* information that can shed light on that. At least
> enough for MVP.

There doesn't seem to be any hope of reconciling "payment history" and
"pledge history" pages. Nor does there need to be. I think it's time
for a decision.

There are three classes of information:

1. Current pledge information
2. Historic payment information
3. Historic pledge information

These forms of information should be made available as separate pages,
with the given ordering being used as implementation priority.

"Current pledge information" will be available on the dashboard[1],
along with the controls to modify pledge status.

"Historic pledge information" will doubtless include aspects of
history *payment* information. That's contributed to the current
challenge: one *could* include *all* payment information within
historic pledge information. But I am explicitly deciding to call out
payment history into its own page.

"Historic payment information" will, in fact, be hardly more than a
list of credit card charges. mray's vision will be captured here. This
page is too simple and useful to leave hanging. We can add a payment
history page now, and it will be hardly affected when we add extra
features. Whether or not we have features like limits, rollover, or
suspended pledges will hardly affect the display of historic payment
information. Payment history is a pleasingly stable form of history.
Creating this page frees us to show historic pledge information in a
way most suited to engaging and explaining the mechanism.

P.S. Whether or not such-and-such a page is "MVP" has always been a
vague notion. What does "MVP" mean anymore? We already have an MVP
that we are iterating upon. Deciding when and to whom to advertise our
existence is the real question.

Right now we are focusing on the people who want to support Snowdrift
at any cost. They don't need any history information whatsoever. Next
comes payment history, since it's so simple and static. Finally comes
pledge history, as part of the neverending task of engaging and
illuminating the mechanism.

[1]: Current pledge information will be available in other places as
well, of course.

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