<quote who="Mark McLoughlin">

> I think these kind of questions are only relevant in the context of
> deciding on the *gtk* schedule. I don't think they're very relevant in the
> context of deciding whether GNOME 2.12 should use GTK+ 2.8. If we're all
> confident the schedules line up, then I don't think there's really any
> more discussion to be had.

That said, we were pretty confident that previous attempts at lining up the
schedules were going to work, but we were bitten in the end by late delivery
*and* GTK+ being less robust than we're used to (spoilt brats that we are).

So Mattias, it would be great if you could get agreement on feature culling
and schedule changing from the GTK+ team, and let us know what the final
decision is. Perhaps it's better for GTK+ to go for broke on the new stuff,
and meet us for 2.14, perhaps not.

But I think we can only safely target GTK+ 2.6 at the moment, given our past
experience and information we have to hand.

- Jeff

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