
On Mon, 2006-01-16 at 07:28 +0100, Vincent Untz wrote:
 + quite a few people were assuming that 0.10 was the plan for 2.14 and
   were totally unaware that 0.8 had even been on the plan. Ubuntu and
   Fedora development versions (i.e. the distros that Elijah checked or
   found out about) seem to both be headed towards 0.10.

We're looking like GNOME 2.14 with GStreamer 0.10 is going to be the
most likely candidate for the next version of JDS too, FWIW - although
the community should do what's right for the community, since our
release is still a way off so that we can factor in porting if

Yes, I think it is most likely that we will go with GStreamer 0.10 with
Sun GNOME 2.12 builds.  On Solaris, we only ship a few applications that
use GStreamer (totem, gnome-media and the mixer applet).  All of these
seem to be pretty much working with GStreamer 0.10 on Solaris, so I
think that we will treat any regressions we find as bugs.  Most of the
regressions (such as libparanoia not yet working) don't matter to us
since libparanoia doesn't work on Solaris anyway.  And the benefits of
0.10 (such as the MP3 decoder plugin that does not break GPL licensing)
really are big wins.

Since, as Glynn says, our release is a ways off, we also just have
more time to deal with any regressions we find.

Note that to get gnome-media working with GStreamer 0.10 you have to
use the latest gnome-media release and follow the steps in the README
(basically run the script it points you towards).  To get the mixer
applet working, you have to build the mixer applet with the bugzilla
patch in #326285.

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