On Wed, 2006-07-19 at 11:17 +0100, Bill Haneman wrote:

> > Big tangent:  the "GNOME Certification" plan will help in defining what
> > is a "good GNOME application" and what isn't.  That certification will
> > include things like consistent look&feel [insert a lot of handwaving
> > about how to quantify this...]
> /me points to 
> Gnome Accessibility Guide For Developers,
> http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gap/guide/gad , and 
> Testing Gnome Applications for Accessibility:
> http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gap/testing/index.html

The "Testing" guide is really nice, because it's essentially a checklist
that you can run through your application.

Bill, do you know if any of the points in there could be automatically
checked with LDTP or some other ATK-based automation suite?

Accessibility will definitely be one of the things required to attain
the highest certification level for GNOME apps.  I hope that
(especially) governments will look for this high mark of certification.


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