On Fri, 2006-09-29 at 10:49 +0200, Tshepang Lekhonkhobe wrote:
> There was once a complaint that gamin was unmaintained and buggy such
> that fam was then recommended, yet I see gamin instead of fam @
> http://live.gnome.org/TwoPointSeventeen/ExternalDependencies.
> What am I missing?

I'm not sure where you got this idea. I can definately tell you that fam
is much worse maintained than gamin. Its a code drop from SGI from many
years ago that has recieved little maintenance since then. 

Now, gamin isn't perfectly maintained either, but with the last bunch of
fixes (in cvs, don't think there has been a release with them yet) it
seems to work fine. 

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
He's a suave chivalrous senator for the 21st century. She's a tortured punk 
mermaid from out of town. They fight crime! 

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