On Mon, 2008-07-28 at 14:16 +0200, Frederic Peters wrote:
> Vincent Untz wrote:
> > Project Hamster is a nifty time tracking applet for the Gnome desktop.
> > It helps to keep track on how much time has been spent during the day on
> > set up activities.
> It is nifty, but I don't think it is useful for most people; and I
> don't want the GNOME desktop to become a collection of all the cool
> apps that are on gnomefiles.org (or the Internet, FWIW).
> So -1 for me, as I don't see any advantage in Project Hamster being
> adopted as an official module of the GNOME desktop.
while I agree about not having all the cool little apps in GNOME, I
think this can be useful to lots of people, so it would be ok IMO if it
were part of gnome-applets.
Rodrigo Moya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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