
(sorry for the delay, there were some problems with the email)

A little of history of the latest wiki jhbuild pages:
When I created the series of BuildGnome & CodeContributionWorkflow my intention 
was creating a simple straightforward workflow
for contributing to Gnome for newcommers to Gnome and/or FOSS. So the simpler 
the better.
When I started contributing Gnome 2 years ago I was overwhelmed with the 
quantity of text I had to read and all the things
that I have to took into account (if I have a jhbuilrc previously, if I have 
./bin already in my bashrc, etc.) and things
that I had to understand (where jhbuild install itself, the jhbuildrc 
configuration file etc.). I just wanted to get started
ASAP to start getting excited.
With BuildGnome I merged some of the obsoletes guides. iirc I deleted 5 wiki 
pages of jhbuild at that time.
In the effort to merge all the guides I talked with the authors of those pages 
and tried to get some feedback with
BuildGnome from them and other people inside Gnome and outside. Seems some 
people inside Gnome were keen of deleting
JhbuildIntroduction. So I just let it there. But we should definitely delete it 
now, it no longer adds anything to the game.
Then a few weeks after creating BuildGnome and CodeContributionWorkflow someone 
(Ryan right?) created HowDoI/Jhbuild 
(because he didn't know they were already tutorials of Jhbuild in the wiki), 
which is a very well explained and large
guide about jhbuild basics and covers all cases i.e. someone who already could 
have some jhbuildrc in some folder.
But that vision goes against my intention for newcomers. i.e. they don't have a 

BuildGnome it is not a generic jhbuild guide, it's a guide for get started asap 
in Gnome which uses jhbuild to build and run
Gnome applications. That's it. I don't think a newcomer needs more.

Then, I didn't want to modify Jhbuild oficial documentation because Jhbuild can 
be very generic tool, and those users
were not my target.

But if we agree that Jhbuild is just used only for contributing Gnome, then we 
could merge some simple guide as
the official documentation.

In conclusion, I would like to have something as the official 
documentation/quickstart like BuildGnome with an "advanced stuff"
link for those who wants more. Probably after a few patches they get a git 
account, and then they want a jhbuildrc, to have their
account. But at that point they wont be scared that much with the 
documentation, and at least they already got started without too much 

I already spent time in newcomers and wikis, since it's a priority for me since 
I started contributing to Gnome, so I don't mind
expending more and get it done better if we agree on something.

On the other hand, I'm looking forward to have xdg-app and no longer need 
Jhbuild for this =)

Carlos Soriano
desktop-devel-list mailing list

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