Does this change mean any changes are needed to the B2G build process? I’m just 
wondering if I need to update any of the Build instructions on MDN.

Chris Mills
   Senior tech writer || Mozilla || MDN || @chrisdavidmills

On 17 Jan 2014, at 07:58, Chris AtLee <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Yesterday we switched how B2G device builds on the trunk trees [1] get built.
> We are keeping copies of each device's manifest up-to-date in the tree will 
> the revisions for each project fully specified. e.g. 
> In the background, we have tools running that checkout the b2g-manifests 
> repo, and then for each device load the official upstream manifest, follow 
> all the includes, and resolve all revision references in the manifest to 
> absolute commit ids, and then land those into gecko.
> This will be a big help to sheriffs, as it pins down the revisions of various 
> b2g repositories used for each gecko change.
> Please let me know if you see any problems with the builds as a result of 
> this change. Work is being tracked in bug 899969 [2].
> Thanks!
> Chris
> [1] b2g-inbound, mozilla-central, mozilla-inbound, etc.
> [2]
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