On 6-7-2010 8:23, taco wrote:

sorry for delays in responding ... i'm still in the process of fixing hardware / installations etc

Wolfgang Schuster wrote:

I'm against storing the command definition in the relevant files because
the definitions are meant for documentation and it's nonsense in this way
because you need sometimes references to other commands and who should
you show a command for spacing which is written in a font file.

fyi: long ago it started like that: a \startsetup... definition as part of the tex files but it was a pain togenerate the lists that way

Well, they could be extracted automatically to a normal
lua file, but you had a good point about the \section etc
later on, so a separate file would probably be better

i'm not so sure if i want to abandon the xml file (yet) as theres nothing wrong with xml per se ... it's no big deal to generate lua from it if needed (both are as unreadable although with somenamespacing we could probably share more in lua but at the cost of readablity (and i'm really sensitive to formating of such files -)

needs more thinking as changes in that area should not happen too often

we can consider splitting up things but as already mentioned it's hard to come up with a devision based on the tex files ... ok, in due time we might get more granularity; an option is to make files per block: page, strc, core, ...

concerning the documentation in the lua files (not that much and currently in xml) ... it could be just context code as it then permits embedding examples


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