Hello fashionistas,

The Mobile Tech Leads met on Wednesday, Oct 17 (NA/AU timezones) to walk
down the runway.  The discussion
focused on two things:

   1. Work by Thom Chiovoloni abstracted and improved our Rust FFI
   boilerplate <https://github.com/mozilla/application-services/pull/293>,
   consolidating many patterns that had diverged over time.  For context, many
   of the Rust FFI patterns were set down many moons ago by Emily Toop and
   Grisha Kruglov for Mentat, and have been forked several times.  Thom's work
   carefully consolidates and documents the latest thinking -- hopefully
   avoiding some sec bugs along the way!
   2. WebChannels
   in GeckoView-consuming browser-like Apps.  WebChannels are a
   Firefox-specific chome-only feature that allows the browser chrome to
   communicate via message-passing with trusted Web Content; they are used to
   integrate Firefox with accounts.firefox.com and addons.mozilla.org.  We
   need something that provides this functionality in the Reference Browser to
   support a first-class Firefox Accounts experience.  Privileged Web
   Extensions are ideologically pure but don't have a concrete date on the
   GeckoView roadmap.  Suggestions gratefully accepted!

Until next week, dress in your haughtiest haute couture and stay beautiful,
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