"Boris Zbarsky" <bzbar...@mit.edu> wrote in message 
> On 3/4/13 8:15 AM, Jim Mathies wrote:
> > So to work around this I’ve been putting together some basic perf tests I 
> > can use to measure performance using the mochitest framework.
> How are you dealing with the fact that mochitest runs on heterogeneous 
> hardware (including VMs and the like last I checked, which could have 
> arbitrarily bad (or good!) performance characteristics depending on what 
> else is happening with the host system)?

That sounds like a rel eng problem that could be solved. I don’t know our 
enough about our test slaves to say for sure. 

> This sounds plausible, modulo the inability to port Tp in its current 
> state to a setup that involves the tests living in m-c, as long as the 
> problem above is kept in mind.  Basically, reusing something 
> mochitest-like for developer familiarity may make sense, but it would 
> need to be a separate test suite run on completely separate test slaves 
> that are actually set up with performance testing in mind.  A separate 
> test suite which is like mochitest is not a problem per se (we have the 
> ipcplugins, chrome, browserchrome, a11y tests already).

That's fine, I'm not married to mochitest, but something similar using the 
similar run characteristics would be best.

> So the main win would be making it easier to add new tests in terms of 
> number of actions to be taken (something it seems like we could improve 
> with the current Talos setup too) and easier for developers to add tests 
> because the framework is already similar, right?
> -Boris

Yes, basically - 

1) something checked into mc anyone can easily author or run (for tracking down 
regressions) without having to checkout a separate repo, or setup and run a 
custom perf test framework. 
2) performance tests that generate data that spits out to the console on local 
runs or could be posted to a graphs server in automation.
3) no releng overhead for setup of new perf tests. something that is built into 
the test framework / infrastructure we set up.

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