On 25/06/13 17:28, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:15 AM, Mounir Lamouri <mou...@lamouri.fr> wrote:
>>> 3. APIs solving use cases which no browser vendor shipping an engine
>>> other Gecko is interested in at that time. In cases such as this,
>>> Mozilla will solicit feedback from as many relevant parties as
>>> possible, begin the standardization process with a relevant standards
>>> body, and create a test suite as part of the standards process. An
>>> example of this is the Push Notifications API.
>> I am not a big fan of that exception. Given how fast paced the Web is
>> nowadays, we could easily put a lot of APIs in that category.
> I don't see this. Can you give some examples?

On Mozilla's side, there are a few APIs that we are pushing and do not
interest other vendors for the moment. Most APIs related to Firefox OS.
On Google's side, it is harder to find examples because I do not follow
that as closely but requestAutocomplete() is an example of an API that
Mozilla might not look at for quite some time.
On Apple and Microsoft side, they do not anyway express intents before
shipping but Apple has a history on Webkit iOS for pushing APIs that
sometimes ended up in specs and sometimes just stayed as a Apple-only API.

>> Actually,
>> if we ask other vendors what they think about most Firefox OS APIs, we
>> will very likely get no answer. Does that mean that those APIs are good
>> to go?
> If "no answer" means "we don't care about your use cases", then we can't
> let that block our progress, because there are always going to be use-cases
> we need to solve that no other vendor is currently interested in.

I agree that getting blocked because other vendors don't care about our
use cases is not a good situation. However, it is easy to push bad APIs
because no one had time to look into it and then, when they do, having
two competing API which ends up in a mess (IDB vs WebSQL for example).
My point is not that we will do that on purpose but we are opening a
door to situations like these.

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