On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 2:07 PM, Gavin Sharp <ga...@gavinsharp.com> wrote:

> The scope of the current proposal is what's being debated; I don't think
> there's shared agreement that the scope should be "detectable from web
> script".
Partially embedded in this discussion is the notion that the open web
requires coordination in all web facing things. Mozilla should seek
partners and consensus, seek to be an honest broker, consider the imprint
of our footsteps, and be public in all we do. I'm on board with that idea
in the networking space - and if we think that as a statement of principle
it is an important thing to document - let's do so!

But the underlying spirit of the proposal seems to assume a problem that
isn't in evidence beyond the webapi space. I spend my days in roughly equal
parts with the IETF, with my team, with our code, and with implementers
outside of gecko doing interop (both clients and servers, which is a bit of
a different working relationship than webapi faces). I'm fortunate to work
with some very cooperative folks both in industry and academia and there is
strong awareness of the need to balance innovation against fragmentation.
If anything, I think we (as an industry) rock too few boats for the overall
health of the web.

Therefore I disagree with the relevance of the proposal's bureaucracy to
non webapi work. Obviously web idl reviewers, js team members, and
blink-coordinated-mailing-lists aren't the primary stake holders in a
discussion of congestion control algorithms, tls options, or data-on-syn

If we think red tape beyond a statement of principle is really needed for
non webapi spaces, then its probably best to fork the proposal into other
module specific documents and let those proceed in parallel.
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