On Thursday, October 17, 2013 7:48:16 AM UTC-7, Josh Aas wrote:
> This is the discussion thread for the Mozilla Research blog post entitled 
> "Studying Lossy Image Compression Efficiency", and the related study.

Few queries regarding the study's methodology:

1.) The compression_test.py code converts the input PNG image to YUV data via 
following command (for Lenna image for instance):
convert png:Lenna.png -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -depth 8 Lenna.png.yuv

Not sure, what's the default colorspace used for imagemagick's convert command. 
Seems, as per imagemagick's documentation, this will produce YUV data (Luma 
range [0..255] and not digtal YCbCr (Luma range [16..235]), unless '-colorspace 
Rec601Luma' is specified). If the YUV intermediate data produced above is not 
YCbCr, not sure if that YUV data is a valid input for WebP like encoder. Can we 
verify that the correct YCbCr data is generated from the convert command 
2.) How the quality scores (Y-SSIM etc) will look like, if we skip generating 
this intermediate (YUV) data and encode (at some lossy quality) the source (RGB 
colorspace) PNG image directly to Jpeg & other codecs (WebP etc) via 
imagemagick's convert command and convert these images (Jpeg, WebP etc) back to 
PNG format (without intermediate YUV step) and evaluate the quality scores 
(Y-SSIM, RGB-SSIM etc) on the source and re-converted PNG files.

3.) JPEG compression being equal or better (on Y-SSIM quality score) than HEVC 
at higher qualities for Technique image set looks little suspicious to me.
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