2013/12/10 smaug <sm...@welho.com>

> On 12/10/2013 11:28 AM, Chris Pearce wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Can we start using C++ STL containers like std::set, std::map, std::queue
>> in Mozilla code please? Many of the STL containers are more convenient to
>> use than our equivalents, and more familiar to new contributors.
>> I understand that we used to have a policy of not using STL in mozilla
>> code since some older compilers we wanted to support didn't have very good
>> support, but I'd assume that that argument no longer holds since already
>> build and ship a bunch of third party code that uses std containers (angle,
>> webrtc, chromium IPC, crashreporter), and the sky hasn't fallen.
>> I'm not proposing a mass rewrite converting nsTArray to std::vector, just
>> that we allow STL in new code.
>> Are there valid reasons why should we not allow C++ STL containers in
>> Mozilla code?
>> Cheers,
>> Chris P.
> std::map/set may not have the performance characteristics people think.
> They are significantly slower than
> xpcom hashtables (since they are usually trees), yet people tend to use
> them as HashTables or HashSets.
> Someone should compare the performance of std::unordered_map to our
> hashtables.
> (Problem is that the comparison needs to be done on all the platforms).

There are many non-performance-sensitive use cases where std::set or
std::map does what we need, and it has a better API than pldhash or our
wrappers around it. Often, it makes for easier-to-read code, especially
std::set compared to using a hashtable to do the same thing, since AFAIK we
don't have a HashSet class in mfbt or xpcom.

std::map and std::set are also free of any size restriction, and do not
require a contiguous part of our address space (see
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=944810#c12 ) , so they won't
run OOM before we are actually OOM.

They can even have performance advantages in some cases. Their worst-case
complexity is actually lot better than a pldhash as they never require a
big realloc, and IIUC they should typically have less overhead than
hashtables for small numbers of elements.

Also, I'm not aware of any mozilla equivalent of std::bitset.

Just mentioning a few reasons why people may want to use STL containers.


> -Olli
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