On 12/10/2013 4:28 AM, Chris Pearce wrote:
Hi All,

Can we start using C++ STL containers like std::set, std::map, std::queue in Mozilla code please? Many of the STL containers are more convenient to use than our equivalents, and more familiar to new contributors.

njn already mentioned the memory-reporting issue.

Also, some of the containers are not suitable for use in a codebase that doesn't allow exceptions. For instance std::map.at() wouldn't be appropriate in our code and may not compile.

AIUI, the current status of using the C++ standard containers is that they aren't necessarily forbidden, but we should be careful about checking our assumptions about how they use exceptions, how much they cost in codesize, and whether we need to reimplement or subclass them in MFBT in order to get better memory reporting.


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