On 12/10/2013 3:29 PM, Chris Pearce wrote:
It seems to me that we should be optimizing for developer productivity first, and use profiling tools to find code that needs to be optimized.
For many of our developers, the STL is not an API that they are intimately familiar with, so it's not altogether clear that using the STL instead optimizes for developer productivity. Particularly since moving between the STL API and Mozilla ADT API is painful due to present differences, I don't think there is much benefit towards using STL directly. It's also worth noting that large parts of the STL API are horrendously misdesigned and have not been imitated by successor languages--std::map, std::iterator are some good examples here--reviewers have to be aware of the pitfalls of much of the STL, and I doubt many of them are aware of them (I sure am not). As an example here, when is std::vector::iterator invalidated by a mutation? What about std::map::iterator? What about std::unordered_map::iterator? (Hint: the answer is different for all three of them). And the number of STL implementations we use that even attempt to provide a debug mode to catch errors like this is 1, and it doesn't do a very thorough job of it.

Using the correct data structure from the start isn't premature optimization: it's common sense, and we'd be killed by death of a thousand papercuts if we don't follow that rule.
Also, some of the containers are not suitable for use in a codebase that doesn't allow exceptions. For instance std::map.at() wouldn't be appropriate in our code and may not compile.

We compile with -D_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0 on Windows, so the use of functions that throw should be caught at compile time, or at worst cause backouts at landing. Won't that prevent us throwing exceptions?

I believe that in our current setup, code that attempts to throw an exception will compile but instead abort at runtime.
AIUI, the current status of using the C++ standard containers is that they aren't necessarily forbidden, but we should be careful about checking our assumptions about how they use exceptions, how much they cost in codesize, and whether we need to reimplement or subclass them in MFBT in order to get better memory reporting.

Based on https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Using_CXX_in_Mozilla_code#C.2B.2B_and_Mozilla_standard_libraries (thanks njn!) we can use std::unordered_map and std::unordered_set at least. That still won't give us a convenient to use queue/deque through.

Do you not see the giant note at the top of that page saying "Don't trust this information?" As the person who wrote 95% of that page, I can tell you that the STL section does not contain any information about what can and can't be used in Mozilla code, largely as a result of trying to balance the need to explain what can be used in Mozilla versus the desire to list the minimum features in C++11 code. This is particularly true for the ADT section, as the executive decision has been repeatedly affirmed to avoid STL containers as much as possible in Mozilla code. Note, for example, that STLport (the version we have in the tree) provides std::tr1::unordered_map, not std::unordered_map.

Joshua Cranmer
Thunderbird and DXR developer
Source code archæologist

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