> > > At this stage, I'm just looking to assess the level of
> > > interest from our C++ developers. If there is interest, I
> > > will look into the processes involved in more detail.
> > 
> > I think we have enough interesting uses of C++ that it is in our
> > interest to participate. In terms of time commitment, you seem to have
> > the interest in attending, are you volunteering?
> Assuming that I meet the requirements for membership in
> a national standards body and no one else is clamouring
> for the role, yes, definitely :)

I have applied to become a member of the Canadian delegation to 
the C++ Standards Committee, and my application was successful.
There is no fee associated with this membership.

What this means for Mozilla is that we have the potential to
have a greater voice in the decisions made by the Committee,
as the head of the Canadian delegation determines Canada's vote 
on proposals being considered by the Committee by consulting 
with the members of the delegation.

I will be attending the next C++ Standards Committee meeting,
which is in February, and I plan to attend future ones if I
am able to. I will keep an eye out for issues that might be of
particular interest to the Mozilla community, and bring them to 
people's awareness (probably by posting here on dev-platform).

If there are any issues/topics that you are interested in / 
would like me to keep an eye on, please let me know! (Several
people did so already in this thread [1]).

For a recap of what is slated to go into C++14 and follow-up
Technical Specifications, see [2] and [3].


[1] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mozilla.dev.platform/l_vlbIhy8Vw
dev-platform mailing list

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