I've already given my feedback on the cairo mailing list. Summary: Moz2D is
the right thing for us, and probably for other application frameworks, but
for applications that just want to draw their stuff on the screen or to
print, cairo might be a better fit. Anyway ti doesn't really matter to us
what the C++ people do.

Jtehsauts  tshaei dS,o n" Wohfy  Mdaon  yhoaus  eanuttehrotraiitny  eovni
le atrhtohu gthot sf oirng iyvoeu rs ihnesa.r"t sS?o  Whhei csha iids  teoa
stiheer :p atroa lsyazye,d  'mYaonu,r  "sGients  uapr,e  tfaokreg iyvoeunr,
'm aotr  atnod  sgaoy ,h o'mGee.t"  uTph eann dt hwea lmka'n?  gBoutt  uIp
waanndt  wyeonut  thoo mken.o w
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