On 4/15/2014 5:08 PM, Joshua Dover wrote:
Summary: Allow webpages, web apps, and addons to interact with native Android 
apps via MozActivity
Bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=970707
Link to standard: current MozActivity not on standards track: 
Platform coverage: Android
Estimated or target release: in which version do you want to/plan to release 
Preference behind which this will be implemented: dom.activities.enabled

This will retain the ‘Moz’ prefix in order to maintain compatibility with B2G 
as this current specification is not on a standards track (and will probably 
not be compatible with what we have now).

- Notes from the Extensible Web Summit this month 
(http://oksoclap.com/p/8pYs44D5CQ) :sicking should be able to provide more info 
on standardization progress.

I am concerned about this. It doesn't look like there is a plan for standardizing this, and at first glance it seems that we wouldn't even consider shipping this on Android or desktop without a reasonably solid specification.

Is the point of implementing this now to determine whether the existing web activities "spec" can interoperate with native Android intents? Or what is the end-goal of implementing this?


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