Something like this is needed for integration of B2G WebApps on Android. Without it, they have no way of talking to one another, let alone any way of talking to Native Apps. The best they can provide is launching a uri with a specific scheme and to hope something on the other end is able to pick it up. There's also no way to get a return value from that app.

I don't think we can provide a compelling experience there without providing something like this. We're planning to hold this to non-release builds for now though.

- Wes

On 04/16/2014 05:45 AM, Benjamin Smedberg wrote:
On 4/15/2014 5:08 PM, Joshua Dover wrote:
Summary: Allow webpages, web apps, and addons to interact with native Android apps via MozActivity
Link to standard: current MozActivity not on standards track:
Platform coverage: Android
Estimated or target release: in which version do you want to/plan to release this?
Preference behind which this will be implemented: dom.activities.enabled

This will retain the ‘Moz’ prefix in order to maintain compatibility with B2G as this current specification is not on a standards track (and will probably not be compatible with what we have now).

- Notes from the Extensible Web Summit this month ( :sicking should be able to provide more info on standardization progress.

I am concerned about this. It doesn't look like there is a plan for standardizing this, and at first glance it seems that we wouldn't even consider shipping this on Android or desktop without a reasonably solid specification.

Is the point of implementing this now to determine whether the existing web activities "spec" can interoperate with native Android intents? Or what is the end-goal of implementing this?


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