Le 20/02/2015 04:25, Robert O'Callahan a écrit :
> On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 4:02 PM, James Long <longs...@gmail.com> wrote:
>     Personally I think what we *really* need to be working on is making
>     all of the DOM APIs asynchronous. That's what Servo needs anyway.
>     That's a step in the right direction for #3, and we can see much more
>     we can get out of the main thread after that.
> I don't see how making DOM APIs asynchronous really helps you achieve #3.
> There are some specific cases where custom layouts need to repeatedly
> measure content, that currently rely on APIs that trigger multiple
> sequential synchronous reflows, which would be better served by less
> synchronous APIs. We have nebulous plans for addressing that (it's not as
> easy as "make everything a Promise"). But those aren't the main problems
> mobile Web apps face right now AFAIK.

In Firefox OS development, this is part of the biggest issues we have
for very specific tasks.
I say '"biggest" especially because it's really difficult to work
around. And even when we work around we have other issues (see bug 1126391).

I don't want to say this is more important than the initial issue you're
trying to solve. But yes it's important.


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