On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 9:56 AM, Mike Hoye <mh...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> On 2015-04-21 6:43 AM, skuldw...@gmail.com wrote:
>> I know, not that well explained and over simplified. But the concept is
>> hopefully clear, but in case it's not...
> For what it's worth, a lot of really smart people have been thinking about
> this problem for a while and there aren't a lot of easy buckets left on
> this court. Even if we had the option of starting with a clean slate it's
> not clear how much better we could do, and scrubbing the internet's
> security posture down to the metal and starting over isn't really an
> option. We have to work to improve the internet as we find it,
> imperfections and tradeoffs and all.
> Just to add to this discussion, one point made to me in private was that
> HTTPS-everywhere defangs the network-level malware-prevention tools a lot
> of corporate/enterprise networks use. My reply was that those same
> companies have tools available to preinstall certificates in browsers they
> deploy internally - most (all?) networking-hardware companies will sell you
> tools to MITM your own employees - which would be an acceptable solution in
> those environments where that's considered an acceptable solution, and not
> a thing to block on.

Yeah, I agree this is an issue, but not a blocker.  It's already a problem
for the ~65% of web transactions that are already encrypted, and people are
already thinking about how to manage these enterprise roots better /
improve user visibility.


> - mhoye
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