On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 9:40 AM, Gijs Kruitbosch
<gijskruitbo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Do you think the people that wrote the style guide (not me, so I'm not
> trying to be defensive over the document, to be clear) did not understand
> what they wrote? :-)

No, but I do think that they were wrong.

>> Crockford offers plenty of
>> reasons in his book.
> I've not read Crockford's book and have no plans to, but there are plenty of
> reasons against, too. :-)

Do you want me to send you a copy?

> then that does not mean I don't care or don't know - I *know* that
> ary.length is a number, and there's no reason to bother with writing "===".

That just says that you are too lazy to hit the key one more time.
And that you don't care to signal to others that you know this.

> Likewise, if I know an argument to a function is either not present or a
> non-empty string, and I do:
> if (arg) {
>   dosomethingwitharg(arg);
> }

I'm actually perfectly fine with this form.  Including something in a
conditional statement is pretty damned explicit as far as I'm
concerned. It's at least as clear as if (!!arg) and easier to read.
(I have a personal bugbear against the falsy-ness of the empty string,
but I can concede that point.)

>>  I've never seen case
>> where an explicit check is not possible, and does not help make code
>> clearer.
> I disagree. new String() is my most hated example ("foo" == new
> String("foo")) but ("foo" !== new String("foo")), but also in places where
> we use implicit truthy/falsy checks, the shorthand 'if (foo)' and/or 'if
> (!foo)' is much more useful, clear and concise than trying to check for all
> the ways in which foo could be falsy/truthy (and inevitably forgetting
> something silly like NaN or types from other windows when using instanceof
> or ...).

I have no idea what you are talking about.  I have never had cause to
use new String() anywhere.  .toString() maybe.

x = "foo";
if (x === "foo") { ... } // is fine
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