On 14/05/2015 21:45, Andrew Sutherland wrote:
On 05/14/2015 04:22 PM, Gijs Kruitbosch wrote:
"==" is not any less explicit than "===". Both versions have an exact,
specified meaning.

They both have exact meanings.  But people, especially new contributors
new to JS, frequently use "==" without understanding the nuances and
footguns involved.  In Firefox OS/Gaia I think the emergent
convention[1] is that you should always use "===" unless you have a
specific need to use "==" and in that case you should have a comment
explaining exactly why you want the coercing behaviour.  I, at least, do
this in all my reviews.  And I find this disambiguates things nicely and
helps me as a reviewer in understanding the expected data-flow of the
code I'm reviewing.

Can you give a concrete example where you had to change a contributor's patch in frontend gaia code to prefer === to prevent real bugs ?

As I noted in a snipped part of my message, I can believe that different parts of the codebases have different needs here - I've just had the opposite experience where I don't recall running into issues of the type you describe, but rather things where contributors use:

if (typeof x == "undefined" || x == false || x == "")

or similar, and I suggest if (!x).

While I agree we should do our best to welcome new contributors, I don't know that having our style guide dictate "use === instead of =="
would be helpful.


1: I could swear we have a style-guide for Gaia but I can't find it.


which doesn't seem to mention this, but defers in part to the general Mozilla code style (but not the section where this line is hiding).

~ Gijs
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