On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 10:35 AM, Gijs Kruitbosch
<gijskruitbo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I mean, obviously the example is simplified. You seem to think that "==="
> means "I'm sure this will be the right type". In the same way you imply that
> == indicates uncertainty about type (or acceptance of multiple types), I
> would argue that when I see === I get suspicious about whether the code
> could be failing because it gets passed a similar-but-different-type value
> (false vs. null vs. undefined vs. NaN especially).

If you intend to support false and null and undefined and NaN and
attribute the same semantics, _say so_.  Make it explicit.  Don't make
me (the person reading your code years later) that this is your

>>> if (arg) {
>>>    dosomethingwitharg(arg);
>>> }
>> I'm actually perfectly fine with this form.  Including something in a
>> conditional statement is pretty damned explicit as far as I'm
>> concerned. It's at least as clear as if (!!arg) and easier to read.
>> (I have a personal bugbear against the falsy-ness of the empty string,
>> but I can concede that point.)
> I don't understand the distinction you're making, then; why is the type
> coercion OK here but not for == ? Surely this is being just as "lazy" as the
> other case?

Because it's explicit.  if () takes a boolean.

> You're arguing that === always makes code clearer, and that explicit checks
> are always possible. I disagree with both.

Looks like we're in for some more disagreeing then.

> As noted above, === creates just as many uncertainties as == for the reader.
> The solution is testing (and in some cases comments), whichever operator we
> pick.

No, you are suggesting that === cuts out some code paths or options
that might be wanted.  But it doesn't, it only forces you to be
explicit about your intent in including those options.

> in bar.html, checking the type of foo using instanceof with Array fails. For
> builtin Arrays we now have isArray, but this does not work for custom JS
> classes or DOM elements.

That's a legacy failure, but not one to solve with further obfuscation.

> Also, if you're very serious about wanting to effect this change, you should
> probably take this to fx-dev, as the style guide is specifically about
> chrome/firefox JS.

I'm serious.

I originally posted to fx-dev.  You appear to have removed it from CC.
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