On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 6:57 PM, Mike Hommey <m...@glandium.org> wrote:
> - Relatedly, many codebase-wise changes (e.g. refactorings), or core API
>   changes tend to break comm-central. While it can be argued that it
>   shouldn't be platform engineers' burden to care about those, the fact
>   is that even if they do care, the complexity of testing those changes
>   on try or locally doesn't even slightly encourage them to actually do
>   the work.

I've hit this one a lot, mostly when modernizing PLDHashTable. I
generally try to post a patch for comm-central shortly after landing
an API change on mozilla-central. It's annoying to have to remember
this and file a separate bug. I could just not bother, but that feels
rude and heartless and I don't like being rude and heartless.

There was also at least one occasion where I removed a function that
was unused in mozilla-central but still used in comm-central, and I
forgot to check comm-central before landing. In this case it was an
easy workaround, but if it hard been much harder then backing out the
patch would have been necessary.

So I'm in favour of merging them.

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