On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 10:08 PM, Mike Hommey <m...@glandium.org> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 01:22:35PM -0400, Benjamin Smedberg wrote:
> > I support going back to a giant monolithic repository if we can cleanly
> > delineate the code for various projects.
> >
> > We know that the searchability and readability of our code is a major
> > barrier to some kinds of participation. We should continue to optimize
> > ourselves around that workflow.
> >
> > Does this proposal come with a plan to check out subsets of the code? In
> > particular, I want to express the following as something inbetween
> "serious
> > concerns" and "requirements":
> >
> >  * The default view of dxr.mozilla.org should not include non-Firefox
> code
> >  * The default checkout should not include non-Firefox code. (Note:
> >    this is about the working tree: I don't think the space in the .hg
> >    directory matters enough to worry about).
> >
> > >- TTBOMK, Thunderbird is Mozilla's second largest project in terms of
> > >   number of users, behind Firefox, and before Firefox for Android and
> > >   Firefox OS.  Many of those users may legitimately want to contribute
> > >   to Thunderbird, and the bar to entry is made much higher by the
> > >   multi-repository setup and the extra complexity it entails. Mozilla
> is
> > >   actively making the bar to entry for Firefox/Firefox for
> > >   Android/Firefox OS contributions lower, at the expense of Thunderbird
> > >   contributors. This is a sad state of affairs.
> >
> > I'm sorry that it makes you sad, but Mozilla has explicitly decided to
> > prioritize the bar to entry for Firefox development, and the speed of
> > development of Firefox, at the expense of Thunderbird (and seamonkey).
> What's even more sad is that it's at the expense of Thunderbird (and
> SeaMonkey) *and* at the expense of Firefox build system changes.

I want to reiterate my original response and what Mike said in the original

We'll be investing pretty heavily in the Firefox build system in 2016. I
cannot stress enough the pain comm-central's existence as a separate
repository gives us when trying to make build system, mach, and automation
changes. It slows us down and makes our lives (and code!) more painful than
they could be.

Continued existence of comm-central as a separate repository will slow down
build system, tools, and automation progress. The developer productivity
survey results say that Mozilla staff overwhelmingly want these things to
be much better. A vote against this proposal is a vote against making the
jobs of "toolers" easier and a vote delaying the progress of improvements
to developer workflows, infrastructure, productivity, and happiness.

As a "tooler" who wants to make your lives better, I emphatically support
merging comm-central into mozilla-central.
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