
Le 7 mai 2016 à 02:49, Boris Zbarsky <> a écrit :
> I landed this without "search" in the list for the moment, pending the 
> outcome of the spec issue at

(re) thinking about that issue this morning. Not sure if I have a firm idea 
about it, just thinking out loud.

I was wondering if it makes to add in the supports() list all keywords which 
have influences to the Chrome of browser, aka no effect on navigation context. 

For example, 

* link rel="feed" has an effect on the chrome UI, by enabling the possibility 
to subscribe to the feed. 
* link rel="icon" by adding a favicon on the bookmarks, etc, or the add to 
screen icon, 

but they don't have direct benefits for the Web developer in the context of 
supports(), prefetch on the other hand has a direct influence for the site as 
we have seen for Amazon.

PS: rel values have benefits for semantics, creating meaning, etc for search 
engines, and add ons tools but already provided by things like DOMTokenList 

Karl Dubost, Mozilla

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