It would be useful to have a dashboard that collates this information better.

PS: Sarcasm is unhelpful.

On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 7:14 PM, Nicholas Nethercote
<> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 11:26 AM, Jeff Gilbert <> wrote:
>> Perhaps this isn't meant for me then? I looked at the query from the
>> first post, but it's just noise to me. If it included the file that it
>> crashed from, it would suddenly be very useful, since it'd then be
>> trivial to see if there's something relevant to me.
> Let's look at the top #3:
> 1  MOZ_CRASH(Shutdown too long, probably frozen, causing a crash.)
> 129715  9.92 %
> If you use your favourite source code search tool to look for
> "Shutdown too long", you'll find that this crash is occurring in
> toolkit/components/terminator/nsTerminator.cpp. For example, here's a
> DXR link:
> The line in question looks like this:
>  MOZ_CRASH("Shutdown too long, probably frozen, causing a crash.");
> 2  MOZ_CRASH()     25987   1.99 %
> This one matches all calls to MOZ_CRASH() that don't provide a string
> parameter. Digging into these ones is slightly harder, requiring a new
> search for bugs that have "moz crash reason" set to "MOZ_CRASH()":
> 3  MOZ_CRASH(GFX: Unable to get a working D3D9 Compositor) 2104    0.16 %
> Searching for "working D3D9 Compositor" identifies this one as coming
> from gfx/layers/d3d9/CompositorD3D9.cpp.
> And so on. Searching for strings in code is a useful technique in many
> situations, I recommend it!
> BTW, thank you to all those who have already looked through the list
> and mentioned existing bugs and/or filed new bugs.
> Nick
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