On Wednesday, 6 June 2018 12:08:49 UTC-4, Boris Zbarsky  wrote:
> On 6/6/18 11:48 AM, Mark Côté wrote:
> > Good question.  Probably, as it has different uses, but it shouldn't be 
> > used to work around Phabricator. :)
> A related question: How is Phabricator's offline support?  This was a 
> continuous pain point for me with mozreview: it was basically impossible 
> to make any progress on a review while offline.

Another good question. :) Given that it is also a rich web app, I'm tempted to 
say "not awesome", but I'll have to try it out.  If it is indeed not awesome, 
we can try to work with upstream to improve the situation.

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