[+keeler, +cviecco]

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 1:55 PM, Chris Palmer <pal...@google.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 3:01 AM, Hubert Kario <hka...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> I'm pretty sure Firefox merely remembers your decision to click
>>> through the warning, not that it pins the keys/certificates in the
>>> chain you clicked through on.
>> No, I'm sure it remembers the certificate.
> 1. Generate a self-signed cert; configure Apache to use it; restart Apache.
> 2. Browse to the server with Firefox. Add Exception for the cert.
> 3. Quit Firefox; restart Firefox; browse to server again. Everything is good.
> 4. Generate a *new* self-signed cert; configure Apache to use it;
> restart Apache.
> 5. Quite Firefox; restart Firefox; browse to server again.
> Results:
> A. On first page-load after step (5), no certificate warning. (I
> assume a cached page was being shown.)
> B. Reload the page; now I get a cert warning as expected. But,
> crucially, this not a key pinning validation failure; just an unknown
> authority error. (Error code: sec_error_untrusted_issuer)

Firefox's cert override mechanism uses a different pinning mechanism
than the "key pinning" feature. Basically, Firefox saves a tuple
(domain, port, cert fingerprint, isDomainMismatch,
isValidityPeriodProblem, isUntrustedIssuer) into a database. When it
encounters an untrsuted certificate, it computes that tuple and tries
to find a matching one in the database; if so, it allows the

> C. I do the clicks to Add Exception, but it fails: In the Add Security
> Exception dialog, the [ ] Permanently store this exception checkbox is
> grayed out, and the [ Confirm Security Exception ] button is also
> grayed out. I can only click [ Cancel ].
> I take it this is a Firefox UI bug...? Everything was working as I
> expected except (C). I think the button and the checkbox should be
> active and should work as normal.

It seems like a UI bug to me.

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