On Sat, Aug 09, 2014 at 04:53:46PM -0700, David E. Ross wrote:
> Anyone wishing to argue this issue further -- to argue in favor of
> implementing a scheme to encourage all Web sites to be HTTPS with site
> certificates -- should first read
> <http://www.2rosenthals.net/wordpress/googles-https-everywhere-initiative-not-so-fast-994/>.
>  The blogger is a certificate reseller and also a computer systems
> integrator.  Thus, he is a professional in the area of computer systems,
> including security.

How do you get from "resells certificates and bolts parts together to "he is
a professional in [...] security"?  I won't deny that he is in the computer
systems profession (in the very precise definition of "for a livelihood"),
but beyond that, you're drawing an *exceptionally* long bow.

- Matt

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