On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 12:42:28AM -0700, Nick Lamb wrote:
> There is an absolutely objective test, but it is negative. If anyone can
> predict N-bits of your next serial number then those N-bits were by
> definition predictable.  To give a concrete example if you issued with 16
> digit serial numbers, but the first 8 are YYYYMMDD from the actual date,
> any bad guy can predict those numbers in the next certificate, thus they
> don't constitute entropy / unpredictable bits, so your serial numbers have
> no more than 8 digits of entropy in this scenario.

Even more fun: what if the serial number is MD5(YYYYMMDDHHmmss)?  In that
case, comparing two serial numbers makes them all *look* awesomely random,
until someone figures out "the secret", at which point pretty much all the
bits are predictable, even though there's no "obvious" pattern from
examining the serials themselves.

- Matt

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